Friday, 16 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3) What Have You Learned From Your Audience Research ?

Q3. What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Research? - Wendy Abiri

As a group, we highly value feedback as it’s the main source of how we can improve our work and our work essential needs to be viewed by other to determine how creative our work is and if our work is understandable plus whether our work has fulfilled our objective of inspiring that we would like to pass onto our viewers. The audience research essentially, would be useless if we didn’t learn from it and took research into account and learned from it! So I will now justify what I have learnt form the research, which brought back useful critics. (In terms of the Teaser Trailer)
  The data above indicates where we, have embedded our video to receive feedback from our audience, in included (which was compulsory) was within the Media 2012 playlist, where other students who are doing Media, or students within our school who have interest with the teaser trailer have the possibility where they can see our work and compare it to different coursework! Plus the majority of our coursework has derived from, which accounts from most of our views; both the Facebook views combined show that Social Networking is very important as communicating with our friend to watch our video! Plus the statistics show that the views spiked from about the 18th that the viewership started to increase. And we have a total of 69 views which is small but enough as it more then the threshold of 20 as more then 20 is enough.
The data shows , where in the geographical area our teaser trailer has been shown plus the age range even thought our target audience is of 17 to 18 years old the data showed that our gender was more a less Female which to an extent isn’t beneficial and we would preferable like a mixture such as a half /half ration or a least a more inclusion of male viewers , and additionally females stereotypically are less likely to watch horror films but this researched has showed that more , women have watch this on a whole . Plus the age rage has exceed our target audience where there were female who where 25 – 34 year old. And finally the geographical map show. That most of our views are from the UK however we would preferable like to get a global response as was said in our research we would like a variation of responses from different country’s, but at least UK citizen can relate to our work.

What I learnt from this feedback given is that on a whole that this particular viewer didn’t understand our teaser trailer and found I confusion then only way we can work on this constructive criticism is that we can make the shots flow more through more transitions! Plus we could have improved by reshooting the shoots, which was suggest but lack of time hindered this process thus we had to just leave it

This viewer found that the shots that we created were really good we could have improved this by reshooting our using shots that we had! Our genre of physiological thriller means that not everyone will initially get the concept of our trailer thus you will have to watch it a multitude of times from the audience to understand the concept.

This viewer said that they also enjoyed the shots but it would have been better if they understood the concept to which many viewers didn’t really get.

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