To create a variation of product we had to us the appropriate software during this coursework.
The main one being blogger which is a blog publishing service that allows us to broadcast our work onto the various pages and external sources have the ability to access our work. Blogger is the perfect software as its easy and accessible as its very easy to edit posts effectively, additionally we have the ability to preview our work to see if changes are necessary before we initially publish our work. Blogger is great tool as we are able to manipulate it in the way we want people to view it .
Microsoft Word
Another tool we were able to take advantage of is Microsoft Office word this is a word processor designed by Microsoft. It allows us to make note and produce documents, it was is also able to make tables and formed the template of our shooting script it can also assist us in other tasksin the Pre-Production and Post Production stages of our coursework.
Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop is another piece of software that we used in our coursework, Adobe Photoshop is a grpahics editing program developed and published by Adobe Sysytems Incorporated. Photoshop will be used to produce our logo and mainipulate our photos in colour, size etc. to the way we want our audience to view it. The whole group are quite comfortable with using photoshop as we had to use it to our advantage during the AS media coursework.
Final Cut Pro
Final Cut pro is a non-linear video editing software developed by Macromedia inc. and then Apple inc. This piece of softwware will be used to make our end product of a Teaser Trailer. As this is a virtually new product that the group are using we are still in the learning process, get to know the basics but were slowly getting to grips with Final cut. We have shot a number of practice shots and have been manipulating them on Final cut.
This software allows users to create music and podcasts, it wasa developed by Apple inc. Garageband is also a new software to the group and we are currently trying to learn the basics and different aspects of this software as we intend to utilise it to merge with our video footage and help create our end product.